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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

A True Gentleman

He who smiles all misfortunes

he who wishes good walks

he who shows kindness

he who vows respect

he who strongly faces trials

he who accepts defeat

he maybe a boy, a man,

and a gentleman!

His compassion and honesty

his boldness and confidence

his maturity and nobleness

his industry and gallant

his politeness and being honorable

his dignity and perseverance

his commitment and loyalty

all these traits define him a real gentleman!

For what is a boy, a man, and a gentleman

if his arrogance hinder him to humble himself

a boy who just hide in the skirt of her mother

a man who knows nothing but to disgust a woman

or a gentleman who has rare qualities admired by all?

Precious than gold

his virtues uphold!

Masculinity with true benevolence

a character which man strongly builds

the profound freedom to expand his clan

and choses to stay for only one realm

to kneel with reverence to only one God

and sincerely blesses his home

with loyalty and fruit of his labor.

All boys and men were born great

but not all of them

grew as real gentlemen

they wear perfumes and scents

to entice beautiful women

but a true gentleman only wears his sweats

which decribes him a dignified man!

©️ hcasquejo 2020

Credit to Bob Allen Golf @ pinterest for the photo.

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