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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

Black Panther of the East

I am jaguar, the mightiest cat of my jungle

I have claws and teeth enough to kill my pitiful prey

I can roar like thunder and my saw can cut

even my enemies' precious guts

be careful not to step my territory

or else, you will surely wander in misery.

I am the black panther of the East

I have the strongest muscle of a beast

dare to poach my brothers

or your life will soon shatter

my benevolence could be sometimes cruel

catch me if you can and I will make you suffer.

I am the knight of my jungle

I serve my genus with might and enormous strength

my spirit dwells on the foliages of trees

my feet play in the waters of the continents

and my confidence is enough to knock down my opponents

challenge me and bless my iron fist.

I am the black panther of the East

they call me, "the ghost of the forest"

never try to walk astray under the moonlight

coz' my vision and hearing are my well enhanced might

don't trust the darkness of the night

the smartest cat is hiding in its dark disguise!

©️ hcasquejo 2020

Credit to Redbubble @ pinterest for the photo

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