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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

Few Surprises of Nature

Updated: Jul 24, 2021

The heavenly waters that cover the Earth

walking through their own paths

roaming freely from the mountain tops

joining the tides with their wondrous touches.

As the sparkling taste of the luscious springs

quenching the thirsts of migratory birds

the venom of the snakes

killing gently their wimpy preys.

Succulent prickly pears of vast desserts

working miraculously to satisfy the hunger

of deers, squirrels, tortoises, pack rats,

birds, javelinas, antelopes and jackrabbits.

In all the sands and muds of barren coasts

are resting lugworms, razor shells, critters

not to mention them all

but they were plenty down the shore.

Up in the valleys down the hills

tornadoes' swirling columns of winds

passing by all the trees of the forests

sweeping them like dusts and ashes.

©️ hcasquejo 2021

Credit to reddit @ pinterest for the photo.

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