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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

Heaven Has A Good Price

For what is an illusion out of one's wrong delusion to proclaim oneself as an angel of death ended the sufferings of patients through his own way of mercy killing? For who is a man who walks kicking a tin can whose gravity of committing such mortal sins can't be switched off a day whose only moon is in gloom and whose sun's conspires only in the autumn's twilights? A twenty-eight life sentences- verdict was rendered the right to live, ousted just with thousands of dollars, being paid within the four corners of that dark room solitary echoes were thunderstorms sounded in grief stole the futures in their very eyes was an act of a selfish thief who's holding that metal bars wounded with unhealed scars? Ruthless was that man whose heart was made of steel couldn't be pounded by fears and by innocent tears whose spirit was a devil's advocate whose soul was uncompassionate showed no remorse in his course of action. For what was mercy when the culprit didn't even reciprocate his self with clemency? I stand amidst the trial of the century I watched this man's whole documentary featured not only in a theory he committed an estimated eighty-seven alleged heinous crimes perfectly thus, unforgivable over times he deserved not only curses and capital punishments he should be dragged to hell burn alive surely God closes His door as heaven is for a good price the sins of this lost mortal surpassed beyond the deepest grave!

© 3 days ago, Honeylyn Lumagdas Casquijo Rusia

Credit to 3DPrintBase @ pinterest for the photo.

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