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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

Her Wolf

Updated: Jul 24, 2021

I was staring at the lonely moon

I see her shadow hiding in a gloom

a soul's reflection waiting for it's doom

an image of sadness caught in a loom

she's hiding in her own darkness

a wolf hiding behind her own emptiness

she roars like shy kitten

she dwells on her life's character.

If only she knows of her abilities

she might gladly perform her responsibilities

her life isn't worthless after all

if she uses her skills on her call

she has a wolf inside her

just a strike of a challenger

for sure she can conquer

and her fate shall never wander.

Wake up little girl

don't be afraid to roar like thunder

dig that innermost potential

life isn't that crucial

let your ego rise

utilize that brain so wise

listen to your own wolf

and tremble the rest of the world!

The world is a jungle

be bold and free but never bungle

carry your task well upon your shoulder

linger in the woods but never wander

competition within is tough

hone your skills coz the road is rough

train your mind to focus

miscalculations can be disastrous!

©️ hcasquejo 2020

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