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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

Hover Fly

Updated: Jul 24, 2021

Oh Hover fly

you're arent that shy

your face so sly

just stay away

even if I'll pay a penny

just stop fooling me

with your disguises

I know it's your way

to stick around

with just a quiet sound.

I ain't your prey

I won't beat around the bush

I'd rather say

that you're such a nonsense,

annoying stout fly

waiting to slay

you're not so pretty

and you look so messy

could you please go away

coz' I'm turning gray.

if you like my perfume

I' ll give you an ounce

just promise me

you won't cling again

in my soft and comfy skin

little disgusting liar

if I caught you

sneaking around

I will store you

inside my old jar.

©️ hcasquejo 2021

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