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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

How to Cook a Perfect Love Story

Updated: Jul 24, 2021

I added 100 percent of pure honesty

to our sweet relationship

sprinkled 5 ounces of genuine care

coated with 100 percent of passion

blended with dedication

I thought it would come out a perfect cooked love story

but it turned out as bitter

as the wormwood vine

trailing around my fragile heart.

I was unsure of the ingredients I prepared

before I fall in love with you

I had doubts if the intimacy was formed by passion

but I never rechecked my recipe

my mother taught me to be wise

upon stirring my soup of tears

she said it would be better

if the tears I shed were slightly salty

but I tasted the sourness

as they kept dripping through my lips.

I saw things between us would turn out bad

coz betrayals spoiled our romantic dinner

the musical ballad just ruined our night

I'm settling now at the shade of a candle light

I was lonely preparing again another recipe

coz I can't figure out the best ingredients

to gain your sincerity

I don't even know how to deal with that mess

shall I start to cook another love story

with you, it might be perfectly uncooked?

©️ hcasquejo 2020

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