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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

Inexorable Limit of Life

She tiptoed to the rocky cliff slowly and surely trekked its slope and steepness with one by one step in every stone she surpassed her footprints left unseen but her confidence had grown she undoubted her strength and kept on believing that at every edge of that steepy cliff are possibilities of victory she highly aimed. She's brave, no doubt no storms can bring her down her motives are pushing her to reach the limitless ambitions while her determinations are beyond any infinite horizons the goal she's holding in her hand is her compass which will guide her to the rocky cliff of her success and yes she's definite she could reach the top from there she will shout out aloud she had finally achieved her dreams and reverberations will be heard towards the infinite skies! Life is indeed full of chances and even surprises comparable to sands and pebbles it can be rough or smooth the luxuries that it offers are like desserts or paradises they can be barren, they can be rich we can enjoy the heavenly haven but should also limit ourselves we are free to roam the Earth we can climb the highest peak but we have to remember that though the waters are infinite they will stop at some points like the free rivers following their courses have to cut their freshness when they meet the salty waters down the shore even if we were able to reach the impossible star we should never put ourselves to the pedestals we have to humbly look back from where we started coz' life has its inexorable limits the infinite possibilities of success and failure.

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