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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

Look at the Brighter Side of Life

Updated: Jul 24, 2021

If life is hard and full of negativities

just take a bit twists and sit above the rainbow

let your days be brightened by its colors

let all the dull clouds cast away

and dwell in positive thoughts

every choice must be wise

take a break sometimes

it's fair to fail at times

but always be determined to rise.

Life is full of surprises

be diligent to unwrap the gifts inside

some may give you desperations

but the rest will offer you inspirations

never let those black thoughts

hinder your ambitions

believe in yourself as you take a zoom

be zest in every ride of your life

be intelligent as you glide with the waves of tides.

Black thoughts will block those dreams

white thoughts if well- studied

will become your compass in everyday life

have a clear and sound mind in everything you do

just take a rest if you need it so

even machines sometimes took a glitch too

sharp knives will rust later on

the human brain might become dull

but always remember

that if you always look at the brighter side of the moon

from dusk till dawn

you will be in love with the twilight soon!

©️ hcasquejo 2020

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