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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

Lost Paradise

Updated: Jul 24, 2021

Rhyme and rhymes

under my gloomy skies

humming the music of my lips

dryin' by the soft heat

of the autumn sunshines

dew drops kissin' my cheeks

and washes my lonely eyes.

The leaves of the autumn

colored my solitary walks

the trees bent as I passed

along the quiet charms

of the cold winds

the birds of love chanted

my sorrow and pain.

I tried to hold your hand

in my dreams I reached you

I screamed like a wimpy kid

as I fell in my lonely bed

I was awakened by a soft touch

and felt the warmth

from the cozy breeze

of a misting fan.

My flowers slowly withered

as butterflies passed

through the prickly grasses

my spirit carefully wilted

coz' I was left without you

my rivers folded down the shore

as forever autumn

covered my lost paradise.

©️ hcasquejo 2020

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