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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

My Life is Short Living Alemseged's Alphabetical- ABCDAA EFGHEE IJKLII MNOPMM QRSTQQ UVWXUU YZYZ)

Pure and virgin oh my mother(A) She bore the seeds of love (B) Her womb was our playground(C) Our cradle was her peaceful chest (D) Oh, mother of kindness and laughter(A) we will hold your hand forever. (A) The strength of our home lies in his supremacy(E) He's the rock where the four corners of our home anchored (F) With his support and dedication (G) We succeeded our dreams(H) Oh, beloved father of strength and resiliency(E) We, your children shall bow to your undying legacy ( E) The home where our hearts grew fonder ( I) is an avenue of peace and freedom ( J) where we learnt the value of camaraderie(K) where we fostered our sense of responsibility (L) thus, the arrow leading our future is sharper( I) and the loads we carry are becoming lighter. (I) Soon, with heads held high (M) me and my siblings find our humble abode (N) there, we play with our kids(O) and boast to them what our parents left(P) with our wings we learnt to fly(M) over and beyond the great blue sky.(M) If then by time we will be departing (Q) I wish the best and everything for my family(R) The legacy which my parents left (S) will be handed down to my descendants (T) tomorrow shall be welcoming(Q) my best clans will be fast approaching. (Q) With my generations happily waving(U) My name will be called in heaven( V) The angels will meet me there(W) blowing trumpets in symphony and rhythm(X) Birds in paradise will be happily singing(U) and all my soldiers with their boots, marching. (U) May the Good Lord will be pleased with my coming (Y) Decorate the heaven with lilacs and lilies (Z) My life is short living (Y) But my life with Him shall rest in eternal peace! (Z)

317 words © 8 days ago, Honeylyn Lumagdas Casquijo Rusia inspirational family spiritual rhyme

Credit to Jane Reyes @ pinterest for the photo.

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