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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

Ocean Paradise

Updated: Jul 24, 2021

In the abyss where I used to lay

there was a sunny day

I went circling the waves above me

and I found my tail being freed.

With the glimpse of a shadow

out of the corner of my eye

I felt a ripple of excitement

my tail giggled as my fin pushed me to him

we danced with the herrings,

glided with the tunas

and raced with the Ferraris of the ocean.

"Swim with us our little cuties

let's ride with the tides

mom and dad will give you a nudge

so you can wander the surface above

isn't it amazing, isn't it great?

take a deep breath

as we rock to the top!"

It was a sunny day

in the place we called home

the waters that we dwelt in

was a paradise of love

for our little calves until dawn.

©️ hcasquejo 2021

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