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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

One Summer

Updated: Jul 24, 2021

Roses on summer wilted and dried

love letters went spoiled

memories of love vanished forever

my tears were frozen

as the sun hid its sparks

I couldn't see the blue skies

coz my eyes were cloudy

all of a sudden my heart despaired

sorted some emotions

which cannot be understood.

I walked along the woods

my feet were frustrated

since the grasses

were still as cold as snows

I followed one footprint

but I stopped coz it led me to nowhere

even the swaying trees

failed to whisper my path.

Should I continue walking forward

or better to walk back?

It was a journey one summer

when my solitude brought me lessons

I shouldn't walk without you

nor linger in the woods

with an emptied heart

without you my sun won't shine

without you my ears won't listen

to the birds chirping sweet songs

I only suffered such dark autumn in my heart

from that one summer.

©️ hcasquejo 2020

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