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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

Rose In The Vineyard

Updated: Jul 24, 2021

In his palm, he wrote me his sincere love

he held me tight by his hands

my babylicious charm seduces him

like he wants to squeeze me in his arms.

I felt I'm a rose flower in a vineyard

meant to be picked but not to be plucked

my beauty seems imperfect

but he clinged to my simple perfection.

Somewhere between there were vines that crawled

they tried to reach me at the end of a pole

but they were intimidated by my thorns

yet, only the toughest vine able to conquer

this innocence and purity of a lovely flower.

Yes, I only clinged to one vine in a vineyard

coz' his first kiss caressed me when I started to bloom

he tried to crawl towards me

and served as my protection

under a playful sun

or a lonely moon

his first glance tickled my petals

and their colors stood out among them all.

I'm a rose over many beautiful flowers

but he chose to settle around my thorns

sometimes he felt the pain of cuts

but he likes to stay for an assurance

that my shelter will shield him forever

with my sincere first kiss

he would never wander.

©️ hcasquejo 2021

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