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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

Slight Miracles of Temptations

I don't own your world

I can't imprison you in my own world

I have my eyes to see you walking in my crossroads

I have my knees bended for your detours

all I need is for you to show me

the place where you could possibly be mine

all my pleadings were your pleasures

all my weaknesses were your despises

I hope to linger in your memories

but all my happiness were your sacrifices

I don't want to hold you tight

coz' you kept on pushing your pride.

If my love matters most in your world

just paint me across your border lines

I don't need to be your masterpiece

all I wanted is to stand even at your edge

don't calculate my strengths

I have my weaknesses to miss you somehow

let me hold you for a second

even after this time you left me broken vow

let me feel slight miracle of temptation

I just want to indulge the sweetness of your caresses

though they were just as cold as snows in winter

for me they were so warm like the heat of the evening sun.

I don't want to drop like rain

my flood will wash you away from me

I want you to anchor on my shoulder

and I promise to carry you forever

let my rivers erode you back to me

and my streams will delightfully sprinkle your days

hear the echoes of my longings

as they pass across my mountains

my sun will rise and walk with you 'til it sets

and my moon will light your night so bright

let my world entertain you in its greatness

let me breathe while I'm still alive.

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