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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

Spring Surprises

I love the spring, succeeding winter and preceding summer

it offers hope to every depressed wanderer

new sprouting seeds and blossoming florals

the thawing grounds and melting of ice

were beautiful scenes attracting my eyes.

I see butterflies kissing daffodils and hyacinths

my days delighted and completed

by the blooming camellias, crimsons, and tulips

budding trees highlighted by sunshine

and my feet started to linger with the sun.

I admired the migratory birds visited shortly in spring times

coz' they never missed to leave me wondrous smiles

the hardworking ants reminded me of my daily tasks

while ladybird beetles giggling with the male ones

were amusing and showed captivating sparks.

I appreciate the spring coz' it's warm and caressing

I'm always heading out from the door to my garden

my world is filled with joy in a sudden

hoping it won't end up soon

as I like to watch all spring creations 'til noon!

©️ hcasquejo 2020

Credit to Martha Stewart Living @ pinterest for the photo.

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