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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

Stormy Home

The waves are pushing, pulling side by side, up and down under the gloomy sky the herrings flying above the surface of a disturbed paradise and who's there to catch them? Only those stray seagulls in the wide and selfish sky. There was a fisherman casted his fishnets during a neap tide storm sadly the fishes went hiding just before he came what a poor catch he just picked mussels for tomorrow's breakfast. Wind blows along the shore two little puffers went offshore sadly one of them lost its way like a balloon trying to inflate badly, loses its' breath poor little pupper deflated and down to the shoreline found its unlucky fate. Hurricane busted the ocean door dolphins heading down to the ocean floor cuties and calves nowhere to hide they just stick on their mother's side to ease the frightened little calves humpback whales kept singin' lullabies. Hush little kiddos don't be terrified all the storms in the ocean soon subside tonight might be cold and dark wait for tomorrow's sun to spark soon you'll see the great blue sky and we'll dance from morning 'til night.

©️ hcasquejo 2021

Credit to Death By Elocution @ pinterest for the photo.

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