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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

Twinnie Winnie, "Winnie the Pooh"

Updated: Jul 24, 2021

l love my twinnie old

pooh printed pajamas

fitted on my hips

folded squarely 'til my knees

I wore them during my last visit

in Bahamas

way back 2015

but I was upset this 2020

coz' as I tried to wear them again

I kept pulling from toes to knees.

Oh, fats on my thighs and tummies

wrapped me dearly, kissed me sweet

I missed my skinny jeans on my sexy legs

my butts bulging up towards my hips

diet no more my twinnie winnie

I have plenty of foodstuffs on my fridge pepperoni pizza with mozzarella cheese

oh, yum yum, yummy,

yummy, burger patty!

I will indulge myself all night long

as long as I have plenty of pennies

no worries for tomorrow's boyfriend

I have one best twinnie winnie in my bed

he kisses me with the morning sunshines

poured caresses on my forehead 'til I sleep

he silently secured my resting body

on his shoulders, legs and belly

oh, my mighty knight in shining armor

oh, my only twinnie winnie, "Winnie the Pooh"!

©️ hcasquejo 2020

Credit to BuzzFeed @ pinterest for the photo

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