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  • Writer's pictureHoneylyn Casquijo

Wrap the Earth, Oh Naked Body!

Wrap the Earth oh naked body let the stars spark in your grand allure let the rivers flow in your spirit for the world is in drought as the wide and vast desert. Let those eyes roll in your curves and be ignited by your strategic contours for your emblem is burning and by flame the sun will shine halo dusts will disappear and the frozen snowcaps shall melt upon your feet. Walk into the bare forest 'til you find comfort from the prickly grasses if there were butterflies roaming in the meadows allow them to sip your nectars 'til their thirsts quench with satisfaction let those flowers be envious let them bow to their queen. In your nakedness mountain ranges, volcanoes, hills, and valleys are free to settle nonetheless let them subduct in your greatness let their magma flow in your veins the new Earth is forming literally upon your hips. You're a needle in a haystack only those keen eyes can catch a gold in a mud shines more than those stones scattered around the yard for your beauty is precious no other ore is as gleam as your spark and your luminous smiles speak mystery to a lost soul. Oh, woman an enigmatic fortress of strength and resiliency you are the courage lying in every rock you bear the fruit of every tree anchor your roots in those lands where soils are rich and waters are extravagant.

©️ hcasquejo 2021

for the photo.

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